Dealing With Painful Teeth From Cavities

Posted on: 12 October 2018

Dental pain makes eating certain foods and beverages difficult for the person experiencing it. Even experiencing a high level of sensitivity without pain is a frustrating situation to deal with. Cavities are the most common reason for people to have painful teeth, and the problem can be severe to the extent of causing a loss of sleep. Another problem that cavities can cause is food getting stuck in the holes they create in the enamel, especially when they are large. The content below provides helpful information on what can be done when there are cavities in your molar teeth.

Find Out if You Need a Root Canal

One of the problems that usually develops when someone has cavities is the formation of a dental abscess. You can sometimes notice an abscess if it develops in the form of a lump on the gums. However, it is also possible for you not to physically see an abscess if it is located directly under a molar tooth. Dental pain is usually unbearable when there is an abscess present, as the lumps create a substantial amount of pressure due to the toxic pus that is inside. If you have an abscess, it is likely that a dentist will suggest that a root canal is done to release the pus and remove damaged tissue in the pulp area of your tooth.

Take Antibiotics to Get Rid of an Infection

Anther one of the common problems that are experienced when someone has a cavity is the development of gum disease. A dentist might actually delay doing any work on the cavity until gum disease has been successfully treated if you are found to have it. Basically, the disease causes an infection, bleeding gums, and several other complication that can usually be treated with antibiotics. Depending on the severity of the disease, the antibiotics should get rid of it in a short period of time. Just ensure that the antibiotic doses are not skipped, as it can take the infection longer to heal.

Obtain Dental Fillings to Save the Molars

Unless there has been a substantial loss of tooth enamel, it is likely that a molar tooth can be saved during treatment for a cavity. A dental filling can be used inside of the hole that the cavity created. The filling is important because it can protect the pulp area of the tooth becoming infected and possibly causing another abscess to develop. A filling is also helpful because it will prevent food from getting stuck in the cavity hole when you are eating. Discuss with a dentist what your filling options are, as there are several to choose between. 

For more information, contact a dentist such as Kyle J Frisinger DMD .
