
  • Top Causes Of Bad Breath Issues In Children

    Do you notice an unpleasant smell every time your little one opens their mouth? Changing their oral care routine can help. However, it may not always work. Therefore, the only reliable solution to restore their oral health and confidence is to know what is causing the bad breath and tips to fight it. Read on to learn more. Poor Oral Hygiene Practices  The critical step to fixing your kid's bad breath is to check their oral care routine. [Read More]

  • Early Indicators Your Child Has A Tooth Decay Problem

    When germs or bacteria accumulate on your child's teeth over time, they cause cavities. Usually, they form a sticky layer on the tooth's surface known as plaque. The bacteria will keep feeding on the foods and drinks your kid consumes, producing acids that can quickly harm the teeth. If plaque isn't removed, the acids will eat away the outer surface of the teeth, find their way into the inner parts, and create holes known as cavities. [Read More]

  • Teeth Whitening Options

    It seems like everywhere you look people have beautiful, white smiles. Of course, this is not really the case, most people do not have perfectly white teeth, you just do not get to see them up close, and in the same lighting as your bathroom mirror. If when you look in the mirror and smile you are not happy with the color of your teeth, you may be considering having a teeth whitening treatment. [Read More]

  • How What You Eat Affects Your Dental Health

    It turns out that taking care of your teeth by brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist is only part of the story. Dentists know that what their patients eat and drink can also have a huge effect on their dental health. Read on and find out more about how what you eat affects more than the numbers on the scale. Those without access to modern foods tend to have healthier teeth. [Read More]

  • When Are Metal Dental Crowns Still Used?

    These days, when someone needs a dental crown, you often assume they're getting a porcelain crown. Porcelain crowns are often favored because they are the color of natural teeth, and the porcelain can even be customized to match your teeth perfectly. But as popular as porcelain crowns are, they are not the only type of crown being used. Metal crowns still exist, and they're far from obsolete. Here are some situations in which a metal dental crown may still be a good option. [Read More]

  • Getting Treated for Bruxism

    Does your partner complain about the noise made from your teeth grinding while you are asleep at night? If you have no idea what they are talking about because you never remember grinding your teeth, and it does not happen during the day, the culprit might be bruxism. Although teeth grinding can happen during the day, it is a condition that often surfaces while someone is asleep. If you are having dental problems, it might be due to teeth grinding from bruxism. [Read More]

  • Can a Dentist Help with Sleep Apnea?

    Sleep apnea is a common condition that can cause a person to snore loudly and wake up frequently during the night. Treatment for sleep apnea usually includes wearing a special mask during sleep or using a machine that helps keep the airway open. A dentist may also be able to help with sleep apnea by making a custom-fitted mouthpiece that helps keep the airway open. Read on to find helpful information about sleep apnea treatment from a trusted dentist. [Read More]

  • Tips For Affordable Dental Care

    Dental care is necessary and affects other aspects of your health. Unfortunately, many forms of dental care require expensive services and products. You need to be innovative to afford your dental care. Below are some tips you can use.  Embrace Preventive Dentistry Preventing dental problems costs less than treating them. For example, good oral hygiene, which involves daily brushing and flossing, doesn't cost much. You just need a toothbrush, toothpaste, and water. [Read More]

  • 3 Signs You Might Need Dental Crowns

    A dental crown is an artificial cap placed permanently on a tooth to protect it from damage. Dentists recommend dental crowns for people who have damaged teeth vulnerable to incurring further damage or getting infected. If you are unsure whether to get a dental crown, here are three signs that let you know you need to get one installed immediately.  1. You Have Broken, Chipped, or Fractured Teeth If a tooth breaks or incurs a fracture or a chip, the space created by the fracture or chip is sufficient for bacteria to access the pulp and nerves of your tooth. [Read More]

  • 4 Non-Teeth Questions Worth Taking To A General Dentist

    People often think of a general dentist as a tooth doctor. That is certainly one part of the job, but they also can address a host of other concerns that often connect with oral care. If you have any of the following four issues, you may want to make an appointment with a dentist so you can ask about them. Bad Breath Bad tastes or smells in the mouth are almost never signs of anything good or even neutral. [Read More]