Tips For Affordable Dental Care

Posted on: 6 July 2022

Dental care is necessary and affects other aspects of your health. Unfortunately, many forms of dental care require expensive services and products. You need to be innovative to afford your dental care. Below are some tips you can use.  Embrace Preventive Dentistry Preventing dental problems costs less than treating them. For example, good oral hygiene, which involves daily brushing and flossing, doesn't cost much. You just need a toothbrush, toothpaste, and water. [Read More]

3 Signs You Might Need Dental Crowns

Posted on: 15 April 2022

A dental crown is an artificial cap placed permanently on a tooth to protect it from damage. Dentists recommend dental crowns for people who have damaged teeth vulnerable to incurring further damage or getting infected. If you are unsure whether to get a dental crown, here are three signs that let you know you need to get one installed immediately.  1. You Have Broken, Chipped, or Fractured Teeth If a tooth breaks or incurs a fracture or a chip, the space created by the fracture or chip is sufficient for bacteria to access the pulp and nerves of your tooth. [Read More]

4 Non-Teeth Questions Worth Taking To A General Dentist

Posted on: 15 April 2022

People often think of a general dentist as a tooth doctor. That is certainly one part of the job, but they also can address a host of other concerns that often connect with oral care. If you have any of the following four issues, you may want to make an appointment with a dentist so you can ask about them. Bad Breath Bad tastes or smells in the mouth are almost never signs of anything good or even neutral. [Read More]

How Invisalign Can Treat An Orthodontic Relapse

Posted on: 9 March 2022

You might think of a relapse as being related to addiction. Someone who quit drinking or drugs may relapse, for example. But a relapse can also happen in the world of orthodontics. Orthodontic patients who neglect to wear their retainer after their braces are removed can find that their teeth will relapse—essentially attempting to return to their former (non-aligned) position. Does this mean you'll need to start your orthodontic treatment again with a new set of braces? [Read More]