Toothaches, What They Could Indicate And What To Do Until You Get Emergency Dental Care

Posted on: 29 February 2016

You have probably experienced a toothache at one point or another. The pain, discomfort, and aggravation of this oral condition can be hard to tolerate and may indicate a dental emergency. Fortunately, some topical analgesic gels or ibuprofen can sometimes alleviate the pain until you reach the dentist.

Still, practicing good oral hygiene can help keep toothaches at bay. However, if you fall victim to this mouth problem, it is important to know why it is happening and to get dental care quickly. Here is more information about toothaches and what they could indicate:

Why Toothaches Happen

There are many reasons why a person will get a toothache, but there are some common risk factors that apply to just about everyone. A toothache is usually a sign of some level of tooth decay, but it may also be caused by trauma to a tooth.

Even very mild cases of tooth decay can be catalysts for toothaches. Most of the time, the pain will subside after a period. However, in severe cases, it can continue indefinitely. Other reasons for a toothache include an abscessed tooth, nerve damage, a blow to the teeth, a cavity or a damaged filling. Even clenching your jaw can cause discomfort.

What to Do if You Experience a Toothache

If you are suffering from the throbbing pain of a toothache, do not panic. Try applying a dentist-approved cream or gel or oral pain reliever, or use an ice pack on the area. The cold of the ice pack can reduce swelling and numb pain.

Refrain from chewing gum or chewy foods, and avoid especially hot and cold foods or drinks, such as coffee and ice cream.

In addition, you can use natural remedies, such as rinsing with salt water, applying a paste of salt and pepper, swishing with hydrogen peroxide or biting on tea bag. If your pain and discomfort does not go away after 24 hours, you should get in touch with your dentist for emergency dental care.

Preventing a Toothache

There are preventative steps you can take so that a toothache is less likely to happen. Brush, brush, brush, and floss! Brushing and flossing help remove plaque and bacteria that can result in dental decay. Be sure to use a toothpaste with fluoride, brush with a soft-bristled brush and see your dentist every six months. In addition, consider using an oral irrigator to help remove plaque and debris from the pockets in the gums around the teeth.

If you have a severe toothache, it may be a dental emergency. Schedule an appointment with your local dentist as soon as possible. For more information about this and other dental issues, contact a company like Children's Dentistry of Lake County.
