Follow These Tips for Excellent Dental Care Over the Years
Everyone needs to take great care of their teeth if they want them to last a lifetime. However, there are different things that you need to do as you become older. Here are some tips for great dental health over the years. Care Tips for Your Teens There will come a point where your parents stop brushing your teeth for you. By your teens, you should be an independent brusher and taking care of this task on your own. [Read More]
Improving The Appearance Of A Chipped Tooth
The embarrassment of a chipped tooth that is located in the front of the mouth can lead to a large number of problems in life. For instance, getting into the habit of not smiling in an effort to keep a chipped tooth hidden can make you appear to be unfriendly or as though you are depressed. A smile can make you appear more approachable, which is important if you are single and trying to attract a partner. [Read More]
Are You A Good Candidate For Dental Veneers?
If you're like many people with severely stained teeth, you've already tried a variety of teeth whitening options to no avail. Teeth whitening procedures usually work very well on those with lightly or moderately stained teeth, but they aren't usually the best approach for those whose teeth are seriously stained. Fortunately, you can still achieve a bright, appealing smile even if conventional teeth whitening procedures aren't a viable option for you. [Read More]
Do You Get A Lot Of Cavities? Understand Why It's Happening
Are you the type of person that goes to the dentist for cleaning and brushes regularly, but still end up with frequent cavities that need to be filled? If so, it's possible that you're prone to having cavities. Here are some reasons why it is happening to you. You Eat Sugary Foods The reason that many people have cavities, despite taking good care of them by brushing regularly, is because of the food that they eat. [Read More]
What You Need To Know About Your Child's First Visit To The Dentist
If you're like virtually all new parents, you want your child to be as healthy as possible. You're probably up on all the latest information about child nutrition and take great care to feed your baby proper foods and beverages, as well as routinely keeping all appointments with your pediatrician. Like many other new parents, however, you might fail to realize the importance of dental care for your child because you've been told all your life that the health of the baby teeth doesn't really matter — after all, they'll be replaced by primary teeth soon enough anyway. [Read More]
Ready For A Fresh Mouth: Getting Ready For Your Dental Cleaning
The prevention of gum disease and cavities makes regular dental cleanings a must. Gum disease is not just damaging to your dental health but can spread to negatively affect the bones in your jaw. Left unchecked, gum disease can lessen your body's ability to fight off infections throughout your entire body. Additionally, cleanings provide you with a way to keep a check on other dental disorders which could be deadly, like oral cancer. [Read More]
How To Keep Your Mouth Healthy During Pregnancy
If you are pregnant for the first time, you might not realize that pregnancy can take a hard toll on your mouth and oral health. This is important to know so that you can take the right steps to keep your mouth as healthy as possible, and here are several things you can do that will help you with your oral health. Understand the effects of pregnancy on your oral health [Read More]
Here's Why Brushing Hard Isn'T As Safe As You Think It Is
Maybe you've already been told this, or maybe you've never even heard it once before, but brushing with too much pressure is bad for your teeth. You might think that using hard pressure to brush your teeth is going to be more helpful to wear away plaque and to keep your teeth clean. Unfortunately, you're probably causing more problems for yourself then you realize. The following can help you better understand the issues with brushing too hard. [Read More]
Whitening Toothpaste Is Not Working. What Are Your Options?
If your teeth have been looking a bit yellow and stained lately, your first step may have been to buy a whitening toothpaste. Using whitening toothpaste regularly for a few weeks can often lighten teeth a couple of shades. But, the difference is not always as dramatic as you'd like. If you're not satisfied with the results you're getting from whitening toothpaste, here are some more intensive options to consider. [Read More]
4 Ways To Improve The Look Of Your Teeth
Nothing makes you look better than a bright, cheerful smile. Unfortunately, over time, accidents, decay, and natural yellowing can degrade the quality of your smile. You should know that cosmetic dentistry is an accessible, safe, and affordable way to improve the look of your smile. Here are four ways a cosmetic dentist can help you do this: 1. Replace old fillings and crowns. Dental fillings used to be made using amalgam, a silvery metal material. [Read More]