New White Spots On Your Teeth? A Possible Cause & How Your Dentist Can Help

Posted on: 22 November 2016

While there are many causes of white spots on teeth, knowing when they appeared can help you figure out what they are and how to get rid of them. If you suddenly developed white spots on your adult teeth, then read on to learn what may have caused them and how your dentist can help you get rid of them. 


If you just had braces taken off your teeth, then that is one clue that the white spots may be caused by hypomineralization. However, hypomineralization can occur in people who have never worn braces. 

Hypomineralization after removal of braces is typically present on the surface of teeth directly around where the metal braces brackets once were. This occurs at the edge right where the bracket meets the tooth surface when it was not cleaned thoroughly enough. This allowed a thin film of plaque to build up at the edge, and like all acidic plaque, it broke down the tooth enamel. 

Hypomineralization on teeth that never had braces on them can occur anywhere, but it is common right along the gum line and on any tooth surface that is frequently missed when brushing, such as areas of back molars. Small areas of hypomineralization on teeth are often called microcavities. 

Treatment of Hypomineralization 

When microcavities are present in the nooks and crannies of your molars, dentists typically decide whether to wait and see if repair techniques can help or if promptly filling them is best to keep them from becoming full cavities. However, treatment of hypomineralization on the visible surfaces of teeth must be treated with more caution to avoid creating unsightly teeth that can impact your smile.

The treatment for your hypomineralization on visible surfaces of teeth can also vary depending on just how extensive the damage to the tooth or teeth was. If your hypomineralization is mild, your dentist may first choose to try re-building the worn tooth enamel by adding additional fluoride into your dental routine. He or she may give you frequent in-office dental fluoride treatments, prescribe high-fluoride toothpaste for you to use at home, and/or have you begin using a high-fluoride mouth rinse several times each day. 

If adding extra fluoride to your oral care routine doesn't improve your white spots, or your hypomineralization is considered too severe from the start to rebuild with fluoride, your dentist may try using a process called caries infiltration to get rid of them. To perform caries infiltration, your dentist will first apply a protective coating to your gum tissue to keep protect them from the acid used in step 2 of the process. Then, the white spots on your teeth are painted carefully with a mild hydrochloric acid solution. This opens the pores of the tooth area. Next, a special polish that matches the surrounding tooth is applied to the white spot. Finally, a special light is projected on the tooth polish to harden it. 

Additional hypomineralization treatment options include tooth microbrasion, bonding, and application of porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns. Your dentist will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each option with you to help you decide which will help improve your smile most effectively. 

If you suddenly developed white spots on your teeth, then hypomineralization is a likely cause. Make an appointment with your dentist at a place like Persona  Dental to find out if this is the true cause of your white spots and how they can help you get rid of them. 
