How To Avoid Or Treat Stains On Your Child's Teeth

Posted on: 5 January 2017

Stains on your child's teeth may cause some concern, but it can be tempting to overlook it since it's just the baby teeth affected. Some causes of stains can carry over to the adult teeth, though, which means that it can become a major concern. Plus, stain repair is not always cosmetic. The following guide can help you better understand the different reasons why a child's teeth become stained, as well as what you should do about it.

Food stains

The most common stains on baby teeth are caused by food. Dark colored fruit juice, soda, dark fruits, and dark sauces can all lead to staining. In most cases these stains are purely cosmetic and come off with a regular dental cleaning. The main concern is that many of the dark foods that lead to stains are also high in sugar, which can lead to increased chances of cavities and tooth decay. You may want to limit some of the food and drinks that lead to stains so you can help prevent decay.

Plaque buildup

Plaque tends to develop a yellow or brown color. It usually forms first at the gum line and between the teeth, and it may be thicker and more obvious on the back of the teeth. Plaque is a result of poor dental hygiene, which includes brushing, flossing, and regular dental cleanings. If left untreated, it can lead to decay and gum disease issues that will also plague the developing adult teeth. The cure is to have the plaque removed by your dentist and then be vigilant about your child's home dental care.

Medication stains

These stains aren't usually any cause for concern. Antibiotics when taken by young children, for example, can cause yellowing or dark colored stripes in the child's adult teeth. These are usually removed via a whitening procedure. Vitamins that contain too much iron can also lead to reddish stains, which aren't as easily removed. Fortunately, regular brushing and dental cleanings can prevent these stains.


Fluoride is added to many municipal water supplies or prescribed by dentists because it helps children develop stronger adult teeth. Unfortunately, sometimes kids are exposed to too much fluoride and the adult teeth come in with permanent yellow or brown stains. The only fix for this is to have veneers applied once the adult teeth are done growing in.

For more help in keeping your child's smile white and healthy, talk to your family dentist. For more information concerning dental hygiene, contact businesses such as Tore D Steinberg DDS PC.
