Are You A Good Candidate For Dental Veneers?
Posted on: 30 October 2019
If you're like many people with severely stained teeth, you've already tried a variety of teeth whitening options to no avail. Teeth whitening procedures usually work very well on those with lightly or moderately stained teeth, but they aren't usually the best approach for those whose teeth are seriously stained.
Fortunately, you can still achieve a bright, appealing smile even if conventional teeth whitening procedures aren't a viable option for you. Dentists often recommend veneers for those in your position. Dental veneers are thin shells of porcelain or composite resin that fit over the surface of your existing teeth. Those who are good candidates for dental veneers enjoy good overall dental health, are free of gum disease, and have teeth that are relatively straight — severely crooked or misaligned teeth may put so much pressure on surrounding teeth that they cause veneers to split or crack.
Following are three more signs that you may be a good candidate for dental veneers.
You Have Enough Tooth Enamel
As part of the process of installing veneers, your dentist will need to remove a very thin layer of enamel from the surface of each tooth, which means it's necessary to have sufficient enamel to be a good candidate for dental veneers. Because veneers are bonded to the teeth, they need to have relatively strong bonding material in order to stay on.
You Don't Clench or Grind Your Teeth in Your Sleep
Those who clench and/or grind their teeth in their sleep may not be the best candidates for dental veneers. Persistent clenching and grinding will wear down the material of the veneers. However, this doesn't necessarily have to rule out veneers — talk to your dentist about the possibility of wearing a night guard while you sleep in order to protect your veneers. Stress reduction techniques such as taking a warm bath before bed may also help alleviate teeth grinding and clenching.
You Have Good Oral Hygiene Habits
A firm commitment to oral hygiene is essential for those who opt to have dental veneers put in place. Regular brushing with a soft-bristled brush and a low-abrasive toothpaste and flossing twice per day will help keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible — even though your veneers themselves aren't subject to developing tooth decay, the tooth material underneath is still vulnerable. If you tend to slack on oral hygiene, veneers may not be for you unless you can make a firm commitment to taking the best possible care of them.