3 Things You Need To Know Before Getting A Dental Crown
Posted on: 29 June 2023
When your dentist tells you you need a dental crown, it is usually a part of another dental procedure. A crown often follows a root canal or a significant filling. They are a restoration that helps reinforce severely damaged teeth. While a dental crown is a relatively standard dental procedure, you may have questions if this is the first time you have had one. Here are a few things that may put your mind to ease about your dental crown or at least open additional dialogue with your dentist.
1. Dental Crowns Come In A Variety Of Materials
When your dentist suggests a dental crown, they may also recommend certain materials. Crowns come in porcelain, metals, ceramics, resins, and zirconia. Some are even combinations of materials. For example, your dentist may offer you a ceramic crown with a metal base. Even the metals can differ with both gold and silver options. While the final choice of materials will be yours, your dentist will usually base their decision on the following:
- The location of the tooth
- The visibility of the tooth
- The function of the crowned tooth
- The color or shade of the surrounding teeth
For example, although a ceramic crown is not as strong as a metal crown, your dentist may suggest a ceramic crown for a front tooth that is very visible. They often choose ceramics because they match the ceramic material to your surrounding tooth, making the color more natural. Also, a front tooth does not have to endure the bite force that a molar or a back tooth requires.
2. Different Materials Have Different Lifespans
The material you choose for your dental crowns will often dictate how long your crown will last. Depending on your choice of materials, you can expect your crown to last 5 to 15 years or longer if properly cared for. While many materials have similar lifespans, crowns made from base metals or gold alloys last the longest. Your crown could last the entire life of your adult tooth.
3. Crowns Are Easy To Care For
Once you receive your dental crown, they do not require any additional care. You will brush and floss them just as you do the rest of your teeth. You do want to avoid biting down on hard things such as nut shells, hard candies, meat skins, fruits with pits, or popcorn kernels. If you crack or chip your crown, call your dentist immediately so they can repair it, and you can get back to chewing your favorite foods.
For more info about dental crowns, contact a local company.