5 Reasons For A Dental Extraction

Posted on: 30 December 2015

Most people try to avoid having any of their adult teeth removed. The thought of a dental extraction may cause concern and anxiety. However, there are multiple reasons why a dental extraction may become necessary. Here are a few: Overcrowding If there is too little room in your mouth, overcrowding may result. The close placement of the teeth can cause dental misalignment, and the crowding teeth may need to be removed before an orthodontic option, such as braces, can be applied. [Read More]

4 Things To Know About Invisible Braces

Posted on: 12 December 2015

If you have an imperfect smile in your adult years, it can be quite embarrassing. You may want to consider some approach to correcting your smile, but conventional braces just may not be an option for you. Having a mouth full of metal may not be appealing for you if you work in a space that requires you to constantly meet with clients or give presentations. This is because conventional braces can impair your regular speech and be distracting. [Read More]

Answering Routine Questions Concerning Impacted Teeth

Posted on: 20 November 2015

Dental problems can take a number of shapes, and it is important for you to be as informed as possible about these issues when you encounter them. In particular, impacted teeth is a fairly common issue that dental patients may need addressed. Regardless of which tooth is impacted, you may benefit from having the following couple of questions answered when deciding how to proceed with this issue. Is An Impacted Tooth Always A Minor Problem? [Read More]

Tooth Decay Tips Every Parent Needs To Have

Posted on: 4 November 2015

Did you know that more than 40 percent of children have at least one cavity by the time they start kindergarten? According to the CDC, over 19 percent of children between the ages of 2 and 19 have at least one untreated cavity. Furthermore, 80 percent of children will have at least one cavity by the time they finish high school. These statistics are unfortunate because tooth decay is one of the more preventable diseases anyone can suffer from. [Read More]