5 Health Issues Senior Citizens With Dentures Need To Be Aware Of

Posted on: 6 March 2015

Most senior citizens have at least one or two health problems that they have to deal with. However, what many don't realize is that these health conditions and medications that are used to treat these health conditions have side effects that can damage other areas of the body—in particular, your gums and dentures. Here are five common health issues that many elderly individuals face on a daily basis that may be affecting their oral health: [Read More]

Learn How A Flipper Can Help You Decide If Dental Implants Are Right For You

Posted on: 20 February 2015

If you have lost some of your teeth, there is a good chance that you do not smile with confidence very often. If you think that dental implants would improve your overall self-confidence, you may want to consider trying a flipper to see if the dental implants are an investment worth making. The following guide will help you learn the basics of a flipper and why it may be great for you. [Read More]

Use The Sweetest Month To Educate Your Kids About Dental Care

Posted on: 10 February 2015

Every year in February, the American Dental Association sponsors National Children's Dental Health Month. As parents, this is a terrific time to foster good dental hygiene in kids. On February 14th, Valentine's Day brings with it many opportunities for children in America to indulge. Candies and sweets have been the universal way to express love for one's valentine, and kids are bombarded with sugary goods at school and at home. Why not celebrate the month of love by showing your love and concern for your child's health and vitality? [Read More]

The Root Canal Procedure: Why And How It Helps

Posted on: 28 January 2015

Root canals have become a common treatment in dental care, but despite their standardization, many patients still don't understand their function. If your dentist has recommended that you get a root canal, it can help you to understand exactly what the procedure will do for you and why you need it. Here's a look at the basics of root canal treatments and why you might need one. When Do You Need a Root Canal? [Read More]